Kick-Box Your Inbox With These Email Hacks That Will COMPLETELY Change Your Business

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I get a shitload of emails.

If I had a dollar for every email I’ve received, I’d be off launching my Tesla Roadster into space for shits and giggles.

On average, I receive between 100 – 120 emails each day (if not more), which means a lot of people are requesting my time and attention.

Of course, what I do for a living certainly has an impact on that volume of emails. I run my own communications agency, and with that comes client emails, team emails, media pitches, suppliers, media alerts, journalist requests, client demands, emails from accountant telling me to ‘woo up’ on the uber eats spending… the list goes on.

It’s hard enough to keep up with the Kardashians, let alone my email.

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I still fall into the deadly trap of saying “I’ll just quickly check my emails”, and then 2 days later emerge from an avalanche of ‘hope your well’, and ‘kind regards’ hell.

AND – as if feeling like you’ve been emotionally abused by your emails isn’t bad enough – the worst part is that you NEVER GOT ANY WORK DONE.

Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Your progress is ZERO.

And that’s the way your profit will be if you don’t set some boundaries.

Because I’ve been down in the email dumps many times, I have some basic inbox rules, which I want you to share with you.

These email hacks were born from the fact that I HATE nagging motherfuckers who constantly apply pressure, with their passive aggressive demands, shredding your last ounce of patience with constant, unrelenting emails.

(If you haven’t, I highly recommend you check out my passive/aggressive emails blog post which decodes what they truly mean!)

So, without further moaning, here are the JAG Rules to take back control of your inbox:

Rule #1 – The Food Chain Rule.

Not a client, member of my team or the media? You're at the bottom of the food chain, buddy.

Savage, but true. If you think sending me three or four emails asking if I got your last email is going to get you a response, let me tell you something darl.


Chances are, you’re never getting a response from me either.


Because I’m busy doing my actual work, not worrying about whether or not you can help me with my SEO, or if I want to be added to some bullshit database that will send me MORE annoying emails.

I’ve watched too many episodes of NCIS to know that you don’t respond to threats.

Or emails from spammy, naggy nerfs.

Rule #2: The Carly-Rae Jepsen Rule.

If it’s THAT important, call me, maybe. Otherwise, patience young Skywalker.

Oooo, this one gets me right in the common sense clacker.

If it’s that important, for the love of all things tequila, pick up the phone and call.

Do not assume that I am sitting in front of my computer painting my nails, miming to S Club 7’s greatest hits, waiting for your email. While I am partial to a good S Club Party, I am not simply staring at my inbox, wishing emails would materialise in front of my very eyes.

If you drop everything each time you receive an email, guess who loses out? YOU! Your concentration is broken, your energy drained, your train of thought completely off the rails.

Go about your day knowing that if it’s truly urgent, people will call.

Because it’s communication 101, and also, common sense.

Rule #3: Be A Blockhead

Two words: Time Block.

This is not rocket science, I promise you. You’ve probably heard this hack over and over, but I’m going to say it again.


I check my email first thing when I arrive at the office, and dedicated the first hour of my day to inbox care. I do this to ensure none of my clients have asked anything important, and also to check if any media have requested anything from me that’s pressing.

This is also the time where I give all the projects and client work a ‘health check’, and once I’m happy with how everything is going, I get on with my day. As a publicist/writer/business owner, I need to get in flow, stay in my creative lane and actually do the work.

Just as I start my day, I finish my day the same way.

However, I will only respond to people who are deserving of my time.

I know that sounds asshole-y, I’m aware of that.

But, I’m telling you, there are a thousand jobs more important than responding to a random with their own boxes to tick, and to-do list to get through. I once read that email exists for other people’s agendas, and I was literally this emoji 🤯

And that’s that my friends.

My three, easy-to-adopt inbox hacks. Trust me when I say it will make you more productive.

Till next week, I’ve got planets to visit in my Tesla Roadster.

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