Don’t Die Slowly Making ‘The Man’ Rich

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If there’s one thing I hate (aside from seafood, pandemics and morons that don’t indicate), it’s the saying “it is what it is”.

Five words that can ruin your creative mojo.

It’s time for this old-fashioned, limp-ass statement to get 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 bin.

And, yet, we hear it time and time again.

– I can’t afford to quit right now. It is what is is!

– I’m on a good wicket, I should just be thankful I even have a job. It is what is is!

– I make good money, it’s not worth the risk. It is what is is!

– I need job security, and regular pay. I have bills you know! It is what is is!

What utter nonsense.

It’s a bold statement – calling it nonsense – but I know it’s horse-shit because I once believed that “it is what it is” was a valid excuse for letting fear rule my desire for wanting something more from this life.

Of course, backing yourself comes with risks.

But so does drinking white wine from a bottle that was opened five days ago, yet here we are, alive and buzzed.

And for people like you and me, the real tragedy lies in not taking any risks at all.

We’ve been conditioned into believing that success means that we trade our precious time, for money.

But, that’s not fair.

Uh huh honey, that ain’t a fair trade!

You know the drill… you find a secure job, think it’ll be amazing, that finally you’ll be happy, but you wind up hating it with a fiery passion… but at least you’re earning good money.

You tell yourself, “it is what it is.”

Even if it does make you want to scratch your eyes out, staple your boss’s mouth shut, toss your laptop in the bin then set that motherfucker on fire 🔥

It is what it is.


But what sort of life is that?

You’ve poisoned your reality by telling yourself that “it is what it is” is a way of life.

Well, listen up jaguars, because I’m about to explode a truth bomb on you.

The “is what it is” mindset does one thing:

It tortures your imagination and murders your dreams.

Your blood is splattered all over some rich guy’s shoes.

Visceral isn’t it. Makes you squirm.

Yeah, you’re making good money, but you’re making great money for someone else.

Read that again.

You’re making good money, but you’re making great money for someone else.

Once more for those in the cheap seats:

You’re making great money for SOMEONE ELSE.

Let that land.

Now let’s break it down further.

  • You’re making great money for someone else, in a job that doesn’t light your soul on fire.

  • You’ve gotten THIS FAR working for others, in a role that doesn’t make you feel alive.

So, imagine if you were doing something you LOVED.

Something that was YOURS.

What then?

There are no limits, no boundaries. Just possibilities.

Just you behind the wheel seeing where your creativity, your sass, your guts, your drive, your ambition, and your deep belief in yourself takes you.

It gives me goosebumps thinking about it.

WE are the secret sauce.

WE are the big companies moneymakers.

You. Me. US.

So what if we shifted our mindset? To ourselves?

What if we become our own secret sauce?

Our own moneymakers?

Well, that’s the kind of shit that makes the sun rise.

They’re going to burn you at the stake when they find out that you’re powerful beyond measure.

But fuck them. Be confident as hell – don’t take the shotgun approach to life.

One of my favourite quotes is this:

Keep the gold dust in your blood.

And once you toss the rulebook out the window, say ‘screw you’ to the norm and start living the life you deserve?

Then those pesky five words suddenly go from “it is what it is”, to “I LOVE what this is”.

And what exactly is IT?

Well, that’s on you my friend.

The choice is yours.

So make it yours.

Till next week. Stay wild.

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