If You're Intelligent Congrats On Being Tortured By The Never-Ending Hell Of Existence Online.

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That’s what the internet makes me.

The people, the opinions, and the acronyms. They’ve run wild.

I know what you’re thinking.

That I’ve sharpened my claws and I’m ready to go ham. You’re anticipating that maybe this’ll be blog post where I unleash fresh hell on gutless trolls.

Or maybe there’s a teeny part of you that really wants me to shred certain influencers.

Well, surprise! I’m not shredding anyone today. I’m shredding EVERYONE.

And I’m sure as shit not going to mince my words either, let me tell you why: The internet is a gateway to a really ugly side of people.

It’s not a new statement. But it’s one that stands. And it’s slowly but surely changed my views on humanity as a collective.

And, because you’re so clearly one of the good ones (obvi, you’re here reading this – you are GOLDEN my sweet Jaguar), I want to pose a bold thought for you:

Once upon a time, you knew things.

Just like me.

Maybe you used to know that Milo tastes the best when mixed with the teeniest drop of milk, or perhaps you were certain that your primary school bestie was your BFF for life, and that once you became an adult, people were nice 24/7, money grew on trees and the world was a happy, drama-free land. With free Milo.

But then? It all went to shit.

You discovered that Milo actually wasn’t good for you, you lost contact with your primary school bestie after she moved interstate, money trees were a lie, and that people only get more complicated – and savage – as you grew older.

You discovered other things, too. Things that hurt and things that were uncomfortable.

You discovered that people will use you to get ahead. People that you trust will break it. You’ll be wronged, and left broken.

Yeah, okay, I hear you say. That’s life, that’s growing up… so what does the internet have anything to do with this?

Because it completely confuses your read on people.

Have you ever had these thoughts?

How can someone be one thing in person, but completely different online?

How can a friend value a strangers opinion on social media, but totally disregard yours in real life? Have I just completely misread this person?


And makes for a shit of time if you’re trying to move on from someone.

20 years ago, if anyone wronged you, you’d have the luxury of being able to simply cut them from your life by choosing not to see them again. And that would be it. You could move on.

But not these days, oh no, no.

These days they hang around. In the worst way possible too. They are in your pocket, in your handbag, on your desk, by your bed… living in pixels on your phone.

You can’t escape them.

Like that one annoying song on the radio that seems to be playing every time you’re at the supermarket, or when you get in your car, or at max volume at the gym… it’s same with people online.

You’re constantly reminded thanks to the utter reliance we have on social media.

(Gosh, it’s bleak out here with a wifi connection isn’t it!)

And this is the real kicker:

Your curiosity can turn dangerous and it’ll be easy for you to fall down the rabbit hole.

And then you discover traits about yourself that you may not like.

You’ll compare yourself to them, and they’ll bring out the worst in you.

They’ll burn a hole in your confidence, and your belief in yourself and in the good of others.

And that fucking sucks!

And soon you’ll feel like you don’t know much of anything. It’s just you and your phone, mindlessly scrolling through people that you don’t like.

This online world makes people behave in strange ways, and suddenly the things you thought you knew for sure, will start to blur.

So what do you do?

What do you do when you feel like the internet and everyone on it is making you batshit crazy?

What do you do when you truly feel like you’re slipping away and can’t do anything productive or creative?

You come back to basics.

Remind yourself that online is simply that; online. A bunch of pixels and code.

It’s not a true reflection of anyone – no matter what they say.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is carefully curated.

It’s what they WANT you to see; not necessarily what IS.

Remember, REAL connections are made in REAL life.

And when all else fails?

Go off the grid.

Your brain will love you for it.

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Dear 35…


Feeling Sensational and Scared Sh*tless All At Once? You Must Be A Business Owner.